We believe it is important that we are continuously growing in our relationship with the Lord as well as in relationships with one another. Small groups meet regularly to study the Bible, pray for one another, and offer opportunities to build lasting relationships.
This past Wednesday, Pastor Tyler reminded our church family of Jesus’ command to all believers to share the gospel and make disciples of all nations - The Great Commission. Join us this Sunday, March 2nd at 9am in the Fellowship Hall for Pastor Josh Spinks to share how to engage others with the gospel! He will give us tools that are modeled after the same approach Jesus and his followers utilized to multiply disciples during Biblical times.
This powerful “Gospel Conversation” training is a biblical training event for everyone in the body of Christ, including brand-new believers, seasoned church members, and experienced church leaders alike. We will learn how to share the gospel in 5 minutes with non-believers through simple, engaging tools.
Everyone has lost relatives, friends, and co-workers who are living life without hope and are in need of a Savior to pull them out of their pit. One simple conversation can change their life!! Come be apart of these 2 POWERFUL Conversations and learn how we were “Made to Multiply!”
Sunday, March 2nd and Sunday, March 9th
9am in the Fellowship Hall
Breakfast will be served